Umberto Lenzi and Tomas Milian team up once again for Brothers Till We Die. This is basically one big set peice for Milian to play two roles, Humpo and Pigsty. Humpo is of coarse a hunchback and criminal extrodinaire while Pigsty is his younger (by ten minutes) twin brother who idolizes his brother. Humpo schemes a plan to rob an armored truck using smoke bombs. Humpo is double crossed by a gang of criminals and the film is about his vendetta to get revenge on them. There really isnt alot of action here, of course theres the obligatory car chase sequence but its nothing really spectacular. All of this is not to say its not a good film because it is if like me your a Milian and Lenzi fan. The added touch of comedy is kinda refreshing and thankfully it never compromised the integrity of the film. But i was pretty suprised by the lack of violence. It is of coarse a Umberto Lenzi film.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Brothers Till We Die
Umberto Lenzi and Tomas Milian team up once again for Brothers Till We Die. This is basically one big set peice for Milian to play two roles, Humpo and Pigsty. Humpo is of coarse a hunchback and criminal extrodinaire while Pigsty is his younger (by ten minutes) twin brother who idolizes his brother. Humpo schemes a plan to rob an armored truck using smoke bombs. Humpo is double crossed by a gang of criminals and the film is about his vendetta to get revenge on them. There really isnt alot of action here, of course theres the obligatory car chase sequence but its nothing really spectacular. All of this is not to say its not a good film because it is if like me your a Milian and Lenzi fan. The added touch of comedy is kinda refreshing and thankfully it never compromised the integrity of the film. But i was pretty suprised by the lack of violence. It is of coarse a Umberto Lenzi film.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Gorgon! Another Hammer gem!
Hammers Dracula and a gay vampire Baron!?
Well, this is my favorite time of the year. The Fall. And with the Fall comes my craving for Hammer Horror. For some reason i really get in the mood this time of the year for Hammer. And so its with that, that i bring to you my quick non informitive reveiws of the first three entries in Hammers Dracula film series.

Christopher Lee returns as the Count in the direct sequel to Horror Of Dracula, even though this is the third film in the series. Dracula- Prince Of Darkness is a darker-creepier horror film than the previous two. Christopher Lee's performance is more beastly and animalistic than his take on the character in Horror and he has no dialogue. And he's scary! As always the sets and exterior shots are magnificent. And the always incredible talent of Terrence Fisher directs another fast, brutal and elegant film.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Jess Franco slasher film, Bloody Moon.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jean Rollin's Lip Of Blood.

Friday, June 4, 2010
The Cry Of A Prostitute!

Thursday, June 3, 2010
More Polizioteschi fun with The Stunt Squad!

With the unitentional occasional laugh, Stunt Squad is still a very fast paced and violent film. The main villian is Valli, a tough S.O.B. who shoots and blows-up anyone or anything that happens to get in his way. And god help it if you double cross this Dago. He will have you beaten, castrated and then he will take mercy on you by unloading his pistol in to your pathetic carcass. Valli, played by Vittorio Mezzogiorno, is a pretty fun villian. Theres a great scene involving a raid on his hidout were Valli becomes pretty resourceful with small explosives. It becomes a great footchase through a decrepit old building.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Revolver (1973)

Revolver is an impressive Poliziotteschi! From its beatiful and haunting opening with Fabio Testi burying his only friend in a shallow grave over the opening credits to the jaw dropping climax. Sergio Sollima fills every frame with gorgeous detail from the many locations chosen...Milan Italy, Paris and the French Alps. Sollima is a masterful director. His Milan at night, blanketed in fog, looks like something out of a gothic horror movie.

Unlike most Poliziotteschi's Revolvers story line is never gratuitous in its twists and complex story lines. The film makes sense! Which is a hard feat given the intricate story line. Reed plays a prison warden who must let an inmate escape, played by Testi, in order for Reed to get his kidnapped wife back. Once Reed has broken Testi out the two must band together to figure out who wants Testi and get Reeds wife back. The once character element that really drives this film is theres no straight line between good and bad. Reed is driven by his love for his wife and Testi is a thief with a heart.

Not only does it have all of that stuff going for it, its also got Oliver Reed and Fabio Testi guaranteeing strong performances! Two of my all time favorite actors doing a "buddy" film! Reeds intensity is incredible. He is entirly believable in his role. And Fabio Testi keeps up with him the whole way! This was great stuff and essential viewing for Poliziotteschi lovers.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Survival Of The Dead?

Survival Of The Dead is Romero's first direct sequel to Diary Of The Dead. This is his first dead film to have a continuing character. In Survival its the S.W.A.T. guy who robbed the RV in Diary. He was one of the few interesting characters from Diary. And unlike Diary, this has more than its share of Romero moments thats been sadly missing from his last two films. But before it sounds like Iam stroking this film off...which i wont, this is a flawed film with its fair share of cringe inducing moments. Namely the Sam Raimi-esque comedy. Why Romero went this route is beyond me. Its unnessasary and truthfully none of it even manage to pull a giggle from me. It works for Sam, not George. Even worse than that is the CGI special effects. Its not just applied to gunshots here it even creeps into most of the graphic violence. And it looked awful! The very first major effect of the film is so horrible, ive seen better computer animation from an Atari 2500!

This one seriously suffers from low low budget production values. Its feels like a made for Sci-fi channel film most of the time. Survival skips the whole political reflection of the times and to be honest i was pretty happy with that. Diary is way too in your face that shit. In the old days Romero was able to artisticaly make his message more subtle. Maybe he's realized this or maybe there was one and i was too stupid to see it? Either way i thank god for it.
On with the strong points. Survival has a really fun story and the setting is totaly unique to the Romero universe. Survival is more of an adventure film than the others. And i can see what he was trying to do with the story of the rival clans on the island, but it kinda came off poorly upon my first veiwing. I know i was bitching about the CGI gore but there is a decent amount of the rubber stuff. And some of the feeding scenes were more in line with the trademark Romero's trademarke style than Land Or Diary ever had.

Survival is by no means a total peice of shit. Its way better than the atrocious Diary of The Dead!! The more i catch pieces of Diary on cable the more i loath it. The acting is much better than Diary but at the same time its Sci-Fi channel acting. This one is truley a mixed bag. Its like a good solid shit that doesnt need much wipe up. Time and repeated veiwing might do the film more justice?

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day Of Anger (1967)

Strong character development, the relationship between the two main leads and cool sets drive this violent spaghetti western. Giuliano Gemma plays what is basicaly the village idiot. He keeps the town clean by sweeping the streets and emptying the shit buckets and best of all he rides a mule named Sartana. With the exeption of a few, no one in town respects him and they are constantly bullying him. Lee Van Cleef plays an aging gunslinger who rides into town one day and befreinds the young kid. When he meets Cleefs hard nosed gunslinger he sees the chance to become what hes always dreamed of being. A badass. This is a well told western were the only complaint i have is the guy who dubbed Giuliano Gemma. Its an obnoxious voice. But that is no fault of the films.Its a damn good movie with lots of violent shootouts. Although Cleefs character is the most sympathetic to Gemmes, he is still a dangerous man. Riz Ortalani's cool surfy western score kicks ass. The best peice of music being a different take on the main theme as the end credits roll. Essential veiwing for spaghetti western fans!

Thursday, February 25, 2010
THe Wolfman 2010

Jeez, were to begin with this one. I guess i gotta say that this isnt a bad film at all. In fact if the projectionist at my theatre did his job right with the correct aspect ratio I probably would have been in a better frame of mind. But when you see the tops of the actors heads missing, i had a hard time getting there. I couldnt stop thinking about it especially after i complained and Mongo did nothing about it.

The Wolfman is pure Gothic horror. Its a beautiful looking movie. Its heavy with atmosphere and gothic style. Del Toro did a fine job contrary to what people are saying. He was doing Lon Caney Jr. He looked like him and he had the desperate quality Chaney Jr. had in the original

Emily Blunt was good but her character seemd kinda there. And thats one of the many flaws of this film. And they are all minor enough that i wouldn't not recommed this film. I would in fact recommed it, i would just be open to the fact that this is a good film with lots of flaws. The films real flaw seems to be the goreand the directors approach to the gore. Now dont get me wrong, Iam no prude. I come from the school of Fulci and Lenzi. And i think this film has every right to be gory. Its just that many of the scenes are amature. Quick cuts of alot people getting fucked up in a cartoonish manner. And this happens alot! There was no suspence to go with the violence. I wanted to be afraid of the Wolfman and at what he was going to do, not amused by what he does. The film seems to dwell more of getting as much violence on the screen and less about solid story telling.

But its still a fun time. Rick Bakers make-up is tops! I love the classic look he gave Del Toro. Hugo Weaving is the suprise element of the film. Hes great and brings alot to the film. This is a fast paced gory horror film with lots of violence and unfortunalty these are its flaws. This sounds odd i know. But still its a damn fun time if you dont have a retard projectionist! Thanks Mongo
Friday, February 12, 2010
Video's added
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Mercenaries aka Dark Of The Sun

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
My picks of 2009

O.K. it took me about twenty minutes or so to take the bait but once i did i was not disappointed. Taken has brass fucking balls!This is like Get Carter on PCP. Liam Neeson character does exactly what you would want a person in his type of situation to fucking relentless, show no mercy and make the bastards pay! I cant believe this had a PG-13 rating. Theres no way in hell i would let a kid that age see this. This film makes no apologies for what a revenge film really means. Fuck justice...its all about revenge. Hard hitting, brutal and sleazy as hell!
4. Antichrist

2. Inglorious Basterds
Tarintinos masterpiece. Its part pulp war film part spaghetti war film. Its everything you want to see from a Tarintino film. Technicaly its his most accomplished to date. Having studied Leone, there are several scenes of slow building tension thats as good as anything Tarintino had drawn inspiration from!