Strong character development, the relationship between the two main leads and cool sets drive this violent spaghetti western. Giuliano Gemma plays what is basicaly the village idiot. He keeps the town clean by sweeping the streets and emptying the shit buckets and best of all he rides a mule named Sartana. With the exeption of a few, no one in town respects him and they are constantly bullying him. Lee Van Cleef plays an aging gunslinger who rides into town one day and befreinds the young kid. When he meets Cleefs hard nosed gunslinger he sees the chance to become what hes always dreamed of being. A badass. This is a well told western were the only complaint i have is the guy who dubbed Giuliano Gemma. Its an obnoxious voice. But that is no fault of the films.Its a damn good movie with lots of violent shootouts. Although Cleefs character is the most sympathetic to Gemmes, he is still a dangerous man. Riz Ortalani's cool surfy western score kicks ass. The best peice of music being a different take on the main theme as the end credits roll. Essential veiwing for spaghetti western fans!

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