Friday, August 28, 2009

Before the Emerald Jungle, there was The Naked Prey!

I love survival films! The ones were the characters are stranded in the middle of nowere and they have to find theyre way to civilization. The Naked Prey is one of the best examples of this type of film. I watched it blindly with out any prior knowledge of what it was really about. Its freaking great. Cornel Wilde gives a tour-de-force performance as the "man"
there are some seriously disturbing images in The Naked Prey. One man gets covered in red clay, then baked over a fire by a tribe of cannibals! Theres also an amazing scene involving natives going inside and out of an Elephants carcass!! Like a big wet drippy meat tent! And i think it was a real Elephant carcass. Theres quite alot of Mondo footage here too. This is a great survival film. One were the hunted is respected by the hunters and vice versa. Cornel Wilde is a damn fine director. Shot on location, this one comes highly recomended!

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